I am not very good about posting, but here are some pictures from Christmas. The green boots actually are like rain boots and have alligators (I think) on them and she wants to wear them everywhere. Santa brought her a new bike, candyland, and dolls and some clothes. She finally was moved out of the 25/2T clothes. So we had to get all new clothes, but the 3T and too long and don't fit the waist. I need to get the ones with adjustable waists so they don't fall off. Come February I am enrolling her in a catholic pre K program that will start in August. I love this school and it is 50% English and 50% Spanish so she won't lose what she already know, which by the way is more than I know. Johanah is definitely got the 3 year old attitude so we are trying to nip that in the butt, but otherwise she awesome. She is still doing gymnastics, and swimming but lately has been asking about soccer, so I guess we will enroll in that after the first of the year. Talk to everyone soon
Sunday, December 27, 2009
I am not very good about posting, but here are some pictures from Christmas. The green boots actually are like rain boots and have alligators (I think) on them and she wants to wear them everywhere. Santa brought her a new bike, candyland, and dolls and some clothes. She finally was moved out of the 25/2T clothes. So we had to get all new clothes, but the 3T and too long and don't fit the waist. I need to get the ones with adjustable waists so they don't fall off. Come February I am enrolling her in a catholic pre K program that will start in August. I love this school and it is 50% English and 50% Spanish so she won't lose what she already know, which by the way is more than I know. Johanah is definitely got the 3 year old attitude so we are trying to nip that in the butt, but otherwise she awesome. She is still doing gymnastics, and swimming but lately has been asking about soccer, so I guess we will enroll in that after the first of the year. Talk to everyone soon
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween 2009
Here are some pictures from Halloween yesterday. What a day it was....We started the morning at one shopping center and trick or treated there for about 1 hour. We left had lunch, took a nap ad then went to another mall for trick or treating there. We spent a little over an hour there and then we went home. It was time for dinner and then off to trick or treating in the neighborhood. Well I thought she had enough, boy was I wrong. 2 1/2 hours later and a haunted house (not really haunted) but it was definitely awesome later we finally called it a night. It was so cute, she would ring the door bell and start saying trick or treat before they even answered. Then once they answered not a word out of her except thank you when she got her candy. I bought her the Cinderella shoes that light up, so they looked awesome at night walking around the streets. Anyway, I must be doing something right because she is not asking for the candy. I gave her 2 pieces yesterday and she hasn't asked again.. I told her to do a cute pose and this is what I got.
Happy Halloween
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Pumpkin Patch
We went to the pumpkin patch today with Tio and Tia. Johanah had a blast as last year she didn't do much or understand it. This year she is getting into it as we have decorated the house, picked out the costume (Cinderella) and of course practicing how to say "Trick or Treat". I think this year will be totally fun. Anyway, Johanah is still loving her dance lessons, gymnastics and swimming lessons. Her teacher has mentioned that she is talking more and more (in sentences) in Spanish. There are 2 new little girls and they don't speak English so this is an incentive for her to speak Spanish. We have been doing puzzles with the alphabet and we get to the letter "B" and there is a picture of a little boy, Johanah tells me "mommy I like boys" I think I am in trouble :)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
First Camping Trip

Tio Robert and Tia Sara decided that they would love to take Johanah camping this weekend. I of course said be my guest (I think it was actually "are you insane....) but then again I am a 5 star hotel or cruise ship type of person. So off they go for 3 days (and I went to Reno) I was told that Johanah had a blast and got sooooo dirty, you would not recognize her. The pictures look like she was having so much fun and they would like to take her again. The next time will be yosemite, again without me :)
Monday, July 27, 2009
Fun Time in July
Boy what a month we have had so far. The wedding kicked off the month of July and we have been non stop since. We went to the following places so far: Sesame Street Live, Circus Vargas, the Salinas Rodeo and then the Wiggles. Not that Johanah is spoiled (ha, ha, ha) but can't say she is bored. I still have more fun activities planned so we will see how she does . That is her Tio and Tia in that picture with her. That sippy cup is like her security blanket she goes no where without it. Does she drink out of it, of course not she just needs to carry it everywhere. I am hoping to get rid of it soon.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Flower Girl
These pictures are from my brothers wedding on July 4, 2009. Johanah was a flower girl and lover her "princess" dress. In fact she got mad when I took it off at 6 p.m. after putting it on at 10 a.m. She got to ride in the limo, pose for pictures and let everyone in church know she was there. After each prayer we would say "Amen" Johanah was a little on the late side saying it and in her nice loud voice so everyone at the back of the church could hear. I was a little embarsed but at least everyone was laughing. Once we got to the reception everyone was toting to her so she was taking in all the attention she could get. Anyway it was a good day and Johanah loved being with her Tio and Tia...
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Graduation from DayCare
This was Johanah's graduation and last day at Daycare prior to moving. She got a diploma for most advanced and improved. The little boy on the left is Pillito (this is her boyfriend) and the boy on the right is Gregory. Johanah and Pillito were always together and when it was time to go home she would give him a hug and kiss. I thought boy are we starting early....
Last weekend at home
The neighbors all got together to play and enjoy our last weekend at our house. This was the scooter ride that Johanah loved and wanted more of it. Thank god she didn't understand what was going on. The each time I said good-by and started crying she kept asking "What's wrong mommy" I just had to say it was nothing and then she would go on playing. I have a few more ictures to post and then I will save more for after the wedding this weekend of Tio Robert and Tia Sara. Johanah keeps saying that she is going to look like a princess in her dress like Tia Sara. Hopefully I will luck out and she will keep the dress on (she is a flower girl) because up til last week she wanted no part of the dress. Keep you posted
Saturday, May 23, 2009
2 years together

Enjoy for now
Saturday, April 18, 2009

It was the most wonderful Easter. Johanah enjoyed coloring the eggs and had no problem finding all the eggs that Tio Robert hid in the backyard. I thru my back-out about 3 weeks ago so I have not been able to lift or carry Johanah, she tells me go to doctor mommy.. It is such a crack-up with the sentences she comes up with. It is now non stop talking and actually making sense. If I don't answer her the correct way I totally get corrected. The newest thing is she needs to get in and out of her car seat by herself (there goes another 10-15 minutes each morning) at this rate I will be getting up at 5:00 a.m, so that I can get to work on time. Johanah has also learned to undo the car-seat buckle, so as I am driving, Johanah says "mommy look I did it", I then have to explain to put it back on, which she does. We have also started with "what's that" and "why" I am totally done with those two. Johanah is now the little helper with dishes, laundry, and cleaning (gotta love it. ) Anyway, in case you haven't noticed the only time I can do any posting's is when mom & dad are here to entertain so the posting aren't that frequent. Anyway, enjoy the pictures.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Spring Time

Well it has been awhile, but here is an update of Johanah. It has been in the high 60's and last week the mid 70's so we are totally loving playing at the park. Johanah last week started saying her name completely as Johanah Anyeli Brandt it was totally clear and you understood every word. Maria (the daycare lady) also taught her to say my name so now she goes around saying Mommy Sondra. She is also saying Grandpa (instead of papa) and both of my parent's name's. She can also call all the animals by their name as well. Johanah has decided it is best if she picks out what she wears each morning and to dress herself, well on the mornings where I work we both have a battle as I am on a schedule and her dressing herself takes to long, so we try to comprise. I have enrolled her back in gymnastics and the new teacher was impressed that she could do all these things from such a small person. She can walk on the balance beam (almost all the way) without holding on, she can hang on the bar's and pull her feet up to the bar, somersault straight and jump with both feet off the ground (I think the bounce house in our living room helps). In swimming she starting to put legs and arms together for about 1/4 length of the pool, they call her a natural. I am so proud of her I am thinking on of these sports should get her a college scholarship (one can hope). Anyway, here are a few pictures of her at the park and at swim lessons.
Sunday, March 1, 2009

This is my first post and thought for those who we don't see all the time, this will be the best way to keep in touch. Johanah is currently 27 months old, 32 inches and 26 lbs. She is enrolled in Gymnastics, and swimming. Johanah is bilingual and actually the other day recited the alphabet, colors (8 different ones) and can count to 15 in Spanish. She basically only speaks to her mother in English and everyone else gets her spanish language. We were at Walmart the other day and her new word is Frog. Well anyone with kids knows that a 2 year old can't say it exactly like that so it sounds like **** so we are walkig around Walmart and all Johanah is saying is frog mommy frog. Talk about turning 10 sheds of red...Well lets see if this works and will try again later. The pictures are some candid ones of Johanah
Saturday, February 28, 2009
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